Monday, October 29, 2012

Aloe Vera is a miraculous herb useful for good blood circulation

It has been a long time practice,in countries like India and some parts of Asia to lay trust on herbs for the treatment of hypertension. Aloe Vera is a miraculous herb which is considered to be natural treatment of hypertension ( blood pressure)

Here are some reasons why  you should considered Aloe Vera for hypertension ( blood Pressure).

Aloe Vera is said to strengthen veins and arteries. Studies have shown that carboxypeptidase, which is an ingredient in aloe, was the contributing factor that can inactivate a compound called bradykinin. This is a group of proteins that dilate blood vessels. If there is too much bradykinin in your blood, it can weaken and damage your blood vessels. This can cause leakage of substances into or out of your blood.

An adaptogen is a natural substance that works through your adrenal glands to make adjustments in your body to fight stress and increase stress resistance, with usually no side effects. For instance, if you suffer from high blood pressure, an adaptogenic will bring it down and if you suffer from low blood pressure, it will bring it up.

Aloe Vera is an alkaline plant, therefore it can help keep your blood at it's normal pH level. Getting the right pH balance for your body is crucial to good health. If your blood’s pH level is not correct, your blood will be too acidic, this can lead to free radical damage in your veins and arteries. High blood pressure and other serious health complications can result from this.

People who suffer from high blood pressure and other cardiovascular conditions that take aspirin, can cause excess acid susceptible to ulcers. It has been shown that Aloe Vera, when taken orally, can reduce the acid in your stomach and this can lessen your chances of developing ulcers.


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